Metal Bellows updates its line of actuators

Senior Aerospace Metal Bellows (Metal Bellows), designers and manufacturers of welded
metal bellows based in Sharon, Massachusetts, has updated its line of PRIME MOVERTM actuators. The new generation of PRIME MOVER actuators has significantly improved performance:

ʉۢ The PRIME MOVER offers axial motion with no rotational forces involved.
 â€¢ The actuator uses all metal construction (no elastomers), so it can be used in temperature extremes, cryogenic to 450°F.
ʉۢ The all-metal construction makes it compatible with the harshest chemicals, plasma, and fluids.
ʉۢ It is designed for 60-105 PSID pressure range, which produces actuation forces on the order of 40 to 80 lb. With larger diameter actuators, actuation forces of up to 1000 lb. can be achieved.
ʉۢ Because there are no wearing seals, the actuator can be designed for 10 million cycles or greater. The actuator meets ISO 14644 Class 1 requirements.

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