Maintenance & qualification expertise from Areva

Areva has confirmed that a team of experts will attend the upcoming Nuclear Exchange conference & networking event, which focuses on flow control and corrosion issues in nuclear power generation.
Due to be held November 29 & 30, 2011 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, the event will welcome Thomas Wagner (Test Technology Team Leader), Ulf Breitenberger (Project Manager) and Holger Damies (Diagnostics & Instrumentation) from AREVA NP GMBH, Germany in at least two of the workshops. Mr Wagner will join a panel of speakers from Rolls Royce, HSB Global Standards and Rotork on the topics of: Codes & Standards, Quality Assurance & safety. His colleagues will join experts speaking on the topic of Effective Maintenance.
Nuclear Exchange will bring together end users, suppliers, engineers, manufacturers, industry bodies and power plant personnel. It is attracting delegates from around the globe involved in the use, manufacture and supply of pumps, valves, actuators, piping, castings & forgings, flow control equipment and corrosion resistant alloys. See for more information.

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