Lipp retro-fit cover with RV attachment

Tank specialists Lipp, with distribution in North and South America, have developed a stainless-steel diaphragm roof for covering large-scale steel and reinforced concrete storage containers, which can subsequently be fitted with various relief valve (RV) systems, depending upon the application requirements. The Lipp diaphragm is an ideal choice as a retrofit for customers that must meet new legislative requirements for clean air emissions targets. These requirements impact upon a number of industries and situations; including areas of municipal waste-water disposal, the chemical, pharmaceutical and food processing industries as well as farm based material storage for anaerobic digestion and slurry management.

As well as having applications within water utility and processing plant applications, the tank covers can be used for on-farm slurry tanks as a retro-fit. This means that slurry tanks can be insulated to prevent rainfall diluting and increasing the volume of stored slurry and can be fitted with off-gas safety valves ensuring that biogas build up within the sealed slurry tank is safely managed. Retro-fitting a stainless steel cover considerably extends that life of the tank without the unwanted cost of replacing the existing open tank with a new covered one.

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