Kennametal signs agreement with Gardner Denver

Kennametal Inc. a material science, tooling, and wear-resistant solutions company, announced that it has signed a multimillion-dollar distribution agreement for its KennaFlow valve seats with Gardner Denver, provider of industrial equipment and related parts and services to oil and gas and other markets. Under the agreement, announced at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas, Gardner Denver becomes a Kennametal authorized distributor of KennaFlow long-lasting, solid tungsten carbide seats for fracturing pumps.

Valves and seats are mission-critical components in hydraulic fracturing pumps. As the intensity of frac service increases and the timing between stages decreases, there is a growing demand for components that provide superior abrasion resistance and longer life. KennaFlow seats achieve an operating life of up to 1100 hours compared to traditional steel seat operating life of approximately 100 hours, reducing expensive downtime due to change-outs. KennaFlow seats feature a full open seat design, improved geometry, and optimized dimensions to better meet industry needs.

Kennametal has been serving customers in the upstream oil and gas sector for over 40 years with innovative solutions for downhole tools, drilling components, flow control, metalworking tooling, and other surface products.

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