Manufacturers of industrial washing systems, aqueous parts washers, and keg cleaning equipment rely on Assured Automation for valves with high life cycle and smaller footprints.
Commercial washing, automated parts cleaning systems and keg cleaning equipment must meet specific and demanding requirements. For reliable performance, flexibility and endurance, manufacturers require valves which can deliver an extended cycle life with minimal space requirements. To meet these stringent requirements, leading manufacturers rely on Assured Automation’s compact automated valves and ball valves.
Assured Automation has specialized in supplying valves with improved stem seal designs to ensure a long life and high cycle applications. While other manufacturers suggest a single valve design for every application, Assured Automation offers a variety of valve options to match a specific need. The direct mount actuation design on these valves reduces the space requirement required for automated washing systems. Assured Automation is known for high quality standards, prompt delivery and consistent availability of product.
The compact automated VA valve series, Ares/Zeus angle seat valve, and the RSG coaxial style valve as well as the 101 Series full port and 26 Series stainless steel ball valves meet the high cycle demand of industrial washing systems while offering, durability, reliability, and compact assembly.
Courtesy of Assured Automation.