Final EIS on Keystone XL released

TransCanada Corp announced that the third and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline has reaffirmed the environmental integrity of the project. The study reaffirms the findings of the two previous environmental impact statements that the Keystone XL pipeline will have no significant impact on the environment. The environmental review process has resulted in a nine-volume FEIS which is more than 1,000 pages in length. The review process for Keystone XL took 36 months and included numerous public meetings, multiple public comment periods, submittal and review of thousands of pages of information and responses to hundreds of detailed questions.
Proponents of the pipeline say that Keystone XL will provide massive and much needed economic benefits to the states it crosses and the U.S. as a whole. It will be financed entirely through the private sector. Trans Canada states that, if construction of the pipeline begins early in 2012, Keystone XL is expected to be operational in 2013. U.S. President Obama has still not made a decision on whether to permit the pipeline.
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