Emerson, whose headquarters are located in Missouri, USA, has signed a collaboration agreement with leading Norwegian operator Statoil to further develop its Roxar RMS™ reservoir characterization and modeling software. The announcement is the latest in a series of partnerships between Emerson and Statoil that has spanned many years and includes high-value contracts on a number of Statoil’s North Sea fields as well as R&D collaborations.
Under the terms of the three-year agreement, Statoil will share with Emerson some of its Intellectual Property (IP) from its internal “Fast Model Update” (FMU™) workflow that operates within Roxar RMS, with the goal being to make both workflows even more efficient. The collaboration will include knowledge- and experience-transfer from a number of existing and future Statoil internal FMU™ projects within Roxar RMS. Areas that will be covered will include improving efficiencies, quality control (QC) of subsurface reservoir models, the handling and analysis of big data and information management.