Emerson recently partnered with Laramie Energy to help the Colorado-based oil and gas producer comply with state and federal emissions regulations. Using ASCOTM zero-emissions electric dump valves, the only such all-electric solution for separators, scrubbers, and compression units, Emerson helped Laramie Energy achieve compliance by eliminating both vented and fugitive emissions from the liquid dump stage of their separation process.
Conventional dump valves are often piloted by well gas, which can leak into the atmosphere as vented and fugitive emissions. Some states, including Colorado, have emissions regulations that include fines for noncompliance, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a waste emissions charge for methane emissions that exceed specified thresholds. If fugitive emissions are detected, the EPA requires oil and gas producers to report their greenhouse gas data and conduct tests, surveys and repairs. Companies that fall out of regulation must pay expensive fines and waste subsequent downtime to reestablish compliance.
Courtesy of Emerson.