Emerson Defines Strategy for Transforming the Way Valves Interact with the World

Emerson has recently released a host of new innovative solutions that are transforming the way valves installed in industrial applications interact with end users worldwide. These solutions can be grouped into four main areas:

Intelligent Valve Performance: End users need to know how their control valves are performing, address any issues, and improve valve performance in general, for example by reducing maintenance. The Fisher™ FIELDVUE™ DVC7K digital valve controller addresses these and other issues by creating an optimized path to action. 

Connected, Intuitive, Predictive Valves: Emerson Connected Services pairs end user personnel with Emerson experts. These experts utilize advanced analytics to remotely assess and interpret data from control valves, and then provide end users with actionable insights for improving reliability, safety, performance, and profitability.

Toughest Application Challenges Solved: Emerson and its Impact Partners assist end users with the specification and selection of the proper control valves for severe service and other difficult applications. They provide this and other services, aided by access to the industry’s most complete line of severe service control valves and accessories.

Advancing a Sustainable Future: Emerson helps end users specify products that reduce or eliminate control valve fugitive emissions. The right control valve will also enable tighter control to setpoint, increasing efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and increasing uptime for the unit or process where the valve is installed.

Courtesy of Emerson. 

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