DT4 Tank Outlet Valve from SPX Flow

SPX Flow’s new DT4 tank outlet mix proof valve is the latest product release into the D4 series of hygienic double seat mix proof valves. The new valve model saves time and money by enabling reliable separation between the tank and servicing pipeline. This allows operators to clean the pipeline without having to empty the associated tank, saving down-time and operating cost.
The DT4 mix proof valve was designed with two independently operating seats that separate the tank and pipeline when the valve is in the closed position. The valve comes with standard features including a seat lift actuator and cross-port housing. The atmospheric vent cavity between the seats creates an exit path in the event of seal failure. It also features a drain for clean in place (CIP) solution during seat cleaning. External CIP spray flush connections are included as standard and provide enhanced cleaning of the leakage vent cavity as well as the lower shaft. 

The DT4 can maintain a tank side holding pressure greater than 5 bar (73 PSI) and has minimal air consumption and air supply requirements (no compressed air needed for removal and servicing). It is available in sizes DN 40 to 100 (1.5 in to 4 in outer diameter tube).

Image credit: SPX Flow
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