Clarion Safety Systems’ CEO to lecture at UW

Clarion Safety Systems, a manufacturer of safety signs and labels, including pipe and valve identification markings, recently announced that its CEO, Geoffrey Peckham, will be presenting at an advanced products course at the University of Wisconsin (UW).

The 3-day course, “Using Warnings and Instructions to Increase Safety and Reduce Liability,” scheduled for this month is aimed towards engineering managers, design engineers, technical writers, risk management professionals, and other product safety professionals. It’s designed to assist organizations in enhancing their product safety and liability prevention activities.

Peckham will present practical information on product warnings and instructions. In his lecture, “The New Era in Product Safety Labeling,” topics to be discussed will include:

 The ANSI Z535 standard for product safety signs and labels
 International standards related to product warnings
 International standards harmonization with ANSI (and vice versa)
 The use of graphical symbols
 Durability considerations

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