BP completes flow test in offshore Brazil

BP has announced completion of a successful flow test of the Itaipu-1A discovery well offshore Brazil.
The drill stem test was the latest activity in the ongoing appraisal programme at the BP-operated Itaipu discovery. The well test achieved flow rates of up to 5,600 barrels of oil a day for 32 hours through a 40/64 choke from a limited perforated interval. Results from the pressure build-up after the main flow indicated good connectivity in the reservoir. Long term pressure monitoring gauges were also set in the wellbore prior to the end of operations.
Neil Piggott, BP vice president for exploration Brazil, said: ‘This is a good result for the Itaipu project, indicating that commercially viable flow rates can be achieved from this Pre-Salt carbonate reservoir.’
The Itaipu-1A pre-salt well is located in block BM-C-32 in the deepwater sector of the Campos Basin, 125 km offshore Brazil and was drilled in 2009 by Devon. BP purchased Devon’s interests in Brazil in 2011. The Itaipu-2 appraisal well was drilled in 2011. A second appraisal well location, Itaipu-3, has been agreed with the Brazilian National Petroleum Agency (ANP), and will be the next operation at the Itaipu field later this year.
BP is the operator of BM-C-32 with a 40% equity. Other equity holders are Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (33.3%) and Maersk Energia Ltda (26.7%).
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