The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has announced a Notice of Intent to conduct an environmental review for a proposed oil and gas production well in the 23 million-acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR-A). If approved, the Greater Mooses Tooth-2 (GMT2) project would be the second oil and gas development project authorized on Federal lands in the NPR-A.
In August 2015, ConocoPhillips, Alaska, Inc. submitted an application for a permit to drill that includes construction of a drill site, access road, pipelines and other facilities to support development of petroleum resources within the GMT Unit.
The GMT2 project proposal would locate a drill site within the Greater Mooses Tooth Unit on land currently managed by BLM that is selected for conveyance to the Kuukpik Corporation, an Alaska Native corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. The associated pipeline and access road would traverse both Kuukpik Corporation lands and Federal lands within the NPR-A and connect to the Greater Mooses Tooth One (GMT1) development project, which was approved in February 2015 after its Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was completed in October 2014. The GMT2 site is located eight miles southwest of GMT1 and about 20 miles southwest of CPAI’s producing Alpine field on State of Alaska lands.