Baker Hughes Wins Opportunity to Supply Bonny Island LNG Unit in Nigeria

The Nigerian LNG facility at Bonny Island, Nigeria, is undergoing expansion to add a seventh LNG processing unit and supporting infrastructure to increase its total production capacity from 22 million tons per annum (Mtpa) to 30Mtpa. This LNG facility is owned and operated by Nigeria LNG (NLNG). The liquefaction unit at the site is expected to come online in 2024. Baker Hughes Valves was awarded an order with Saipem (EPC) worth 800K USD, demonstrating its capacity to serve the LNG segment with quality and reliability.

“As the global LNG footprint continues to surge to support the need to import global gas resources, our extensive manufacturing network and proximity to our customers permit us to handle large, highly complex orders like these. Advanced cryo-testing capability design to ensure safe operation includes a ballistic test facility to ensure operators are safe while valves are under pressure and tested at cryogenic levels. Ensuring safety, is as important to us as advanced product performance. At Baker Hughes we strive to be the best in both areas,” comments Sebastien Mouton, Projects General Manager for Baker Hughes Valves.

Courtesy of Baker Hughes.

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