The Valve World Americas Spotlight reaches a targeted global audience across both print and digital platforms. Being featured as a spotlight, you don’t just get an article; you get a comprehensive package designed to create brand awareness.
What can you expect when you choose to be featured as spotlight?
- Two Full-Color Pages
- Technical and commercial editorial
- Engaging text, graphics and images
- Multimedia integration
- Wide Distribution
- Print and digital distribution to subscribers
- Printed copies for your own use
- Printed copies at selected industry events
- Unlimited Digital Access
- Access link for your network
- Prime Online Placement
- Main Feature Article on our homepage
- Featured in the news archive
- Featured in the spotlight gallery
- Newsletter and Social Media Spotlight
- Featured as main article in our newsletter
- Featured on our social media platforms
- Supplementary Branding and Advertising
Explore the advantages of a tailored multimedia communication package crafted specifically for your company’s unique requirements, industry, timeframe, geographical location, and more. Contact us to learn more about how our services can elevate your brand’s visibility and engagement.
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