ClockSpring NRI is shaping the future of critical infrastructure through innovative composites, valves, concrete, and civil/structural solutions and associated engineering support and training services. Fyfe designs and manufactures fiber-reinforced polymer (“FRP”) systems for strengthening, repairing, and restoring civil and commercial structures and water transmission pipelines.
Fyfe, founded in 1988 to strengthen deficient bridge columns in California using aerospace composite materials, today holds numerous patents for the use of composites in the Civil and Structural strengthening market.
In February 2019, Wind Point simultaneously acquired and merged Clock Spring Company, Inc. and Neptune Research, LLC. The combined company was renamed ClockSpring NRI. Subsequently, Milliken Infrastructure Solutions was added to the platform in June 2019, extending technical capabilities in sewer, water and wastewater applications. Frank Firsching joined as CEO in March 2020.