ABS has issued the managed pressure drilling notation ABS MPD™ to Seadrill for the ABS-classed West Capricorn, a 6th generation ultra-deepwater semi-submersible operating in the Gulf of Mexico. This notation demonstrates system compliance with the ABS Guide for Classification and Certification of Managed Pressure Drilling Systems (MPD Guide). Seadrill’s West Capricorn is the first Column Stabilized Drilling Unit to receive the ABS MPD™ notation complete with the Maltese Cross, which denotes survey attendance throughout the process, from vendor fabrication to onboard installation.
The Seadrill West Capricorn features an advanced MPD control system that includes a series of tools and technologies to improve safety, operational capability and system efficiency. Pressure control valves protect the wellbore from unintended high pressure, which can lead to fracturing. The combined integrated choke/valve control system allows easier control, access, and visualization for both onboard and remote drilling operations personnel.
The ABS Guide for the Classification and Certification of Managed Pressure Drilling Systems issued in 2017 is the only standalone guide that provides specific requirements for MPD systems, subsystems