Watson Valve Services Inc. announces Robert “Bob” White as its new President. The current President, John M. Watson, will remain as the company’s Chief Executive Officer. Bob has served as Executive Vice President, and ownership, of Watson Valve Services since its inception in 2002. He has continued to play a pivotal role in Watson Valve’s growth in the severe service, metal seated ball valve market.
“Bob has done an outstanding job leading our company. The company is in great hands with Bob leading our highly talented team,” says, John M. Watson.
Prior to his Executive Vice Presidency at Watson Valve Services, Bob spent over 39 years in executive management for Watson Grinding and Manufacturing, a sister company to Watson Valve Services. Bob led the initiative to gain ISO 17025:2005 accreditation for the Watson Coatings Laboratory. Such accreditation is used by testing and calibration laboratories that produce testing and calibration results. Bob continues to hold the Executive vice Presidency at Watson Grinding and Manufacturing today.