ValvTechnologies enhances ValvXpress program

ValvTechnologies, Inc., a manufacturer of zero-leakage severe service isolation valve solutions, with operations in Houston, Texas, recently announced the enhancement of the ValvXpress® automated valve, mounting kit and actuator program. The program provides customers with three different options: The Total Package, Build-Your-Own and Actuator-Only.

The ValvXpress program was developed for power customers who require quick delivery of zero-leakage automated valve solutions for severe service water and steam applications. It is typically used in high-pressure, high-temperature applications that demand reliability with single source, compact automation packages.

The Total Package: The ValvXpress package includes the V1-1 valve, integral stop mounting kit and ValvTechnologies’ actuator.

Build-Your-Own: Build-Your-Own ValvXpress includes any ValvTechnologies’ valve and integral stop mounting kit and allows customers to choose custom accessories based on their specific needs.

Actuator-Only: Select your ValvXpress actuator and pair it with any ValvTechnologies’ valve and integral mounting kit.

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