Union Tank Car Company’s (UTCC) Repair Business Unit recently announced the establishment of a tank car remanufacturing facility in Marion, Ohio. The new plant was developed to retrofit existing DOT-111 and CPC-1232 specification railroad tank cars with new safety features, including bottom-outlet valves handles, required by HM-251. The cars will attain a DOT 117R specification that will allow their continued use in flammable liquids service.
The retrofit adds a bottom-outlet valve handle that disengages from the valve when the car is in transit. Also included in the retrofit is top fittings protection, thermal insulation, an 11-gauge steel jacket and full ½-inch thick head shields. DOT-117R cars will also have their trucks and brakes reconditioned, as required for 286,000-pound Gross Rail Limit service.
The new remanufacturing plant is located less than two miles from UTCC’s existing full-service repair show in Marion.