Zahroof Valves Inc. (ZVI), based in Houston, Texas, recently announced that their proprietary StraightFlo Valve (SFV) technology has received a patent in Russia. This patent joins other nations including New Zealand, Ukraine and China, as well as having been allowed in the Gulf Cooperation Council where it is currently awaiting issuance. The patent is also pending in several other countries around the globe.
The ZVI StraightFlo Valve (SFV), is a patent-pending reciprocating compressor valve technology that is a drop-in replacement for conventional valves. The innovative design, based on the patented Modular Reed Valve technology, delivers a step improvement in reciprocating compressor performance, serviceability and reliability while reducing gas emissions to the environment and minimizing valve inventory.
The valve has also been proven to improve valve efficiency by up to 40% and significantly extends valve service intervals. The current generation of SFVs can be applied from 350 to 3600 rpm, has a maximum pressure differential capability of 3000 psi, and a maximum continual use temperature from -40F to 550F. The valves’ unique design allows OEM compressor manufacturers to rethink the design of compressor cylinders to improve efficiency, increase speed for a given efficiency, reduce volumetric clearance and reduce costs. The design of the SFV can be applied to all gas compression applications.