Evolution valves supplies valves to LNG facility

Global cryogenic service provider, Evolution Valves, recently supplied comprehensive valve packages for one of the largest shaving stations ever built in Hefei, Eastern China. Hefei is the largest city of Anhui Province and has a population of nearly 7.5 million. Over the last 12 years the size of LNG plants such as the one at Hefei have increased dramatically as China finds ways to meet the energy needs of its growing industries and the public.
Owned and operated by Hefei Gas, the plant has two 4,500m3 LNG storage vessels that are regularly topped up with LNG from trailers. The LNG is then vaporised and pressurised before being fed into the city gas ring mains to maintain gas pressures during peak demand.
Evolution Valves worked in collaboration with Wang Cryogenic Equipment, a Chinese cryogenic equipment provider. Together onsite the companies oversaw the installation of valves and completed training for operational staff at the shaving station.
The installation of valves in Chinese plants is quite different to the way they’re installed in Europe or the US. For example, within 48 hours after the arrival on site of 24 large diameter valves, they were installed in the piping system fully welded with support frames in place. During this time Hefei personnel were given training on Evolution safety valves, manual globes, ESD globes and control valves. In addition, training on all other types of valve including the 14″ actuated valves was completed. Over the next 24 hours all the electrics were installed and the valves were fully commissioned.
The installation of valves for a project of this scope would have taken many weeks if not months to complete in the western hemisphere, highlighting the need for safe working practices and top quality equipment that was fit for purpose.

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