CRANE has introduced Duo-Chek® high performance non-slam check valves, which are the original Mission Manufacturing Company wafer check valves introduced to the market in the late 1950’s. The valve is available in the sizes, pressure classes and configurations required to meet the most demanding of applications. The product range includes, but is not limited to 2″ to 88″ sizes, ASME Pressure Class 125 through 2500, API 6A and 6D pressure classes and DIN, JIS, BS, AS, and ISO standards are also available. The valves have Wafer, lug, double flanged and extended body styles and configurations available in retainered and retainerless style. The body materials are of cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steels, duplex stainless steel, super duplex with resilient seat materials such as EPDM, Buna-N, Neoprene, and Viton-B®. Integral and overlaid metal seats also available and end connections namely Raised Face, Plain Face, Ring Joint, Weld-End, Hub-End.