Westinghouse focus on modular reactor development

Westinghouse Electric Co. will be applying to the Department of Energy for up to USD452 million for the rapid development and deployment of the company’s small modular reactor technology in Cranberry, Pennsylvania. The DOE promoted the funding opportunity to be available for companies whose small modular reactor designs incorporate passive safety features and could be deployed at a site in the United States by 2022.
The small modular reactor is suited for markets with limited power demand, funds and power grids. Westinghouse’s design would generate approximately 225 megawatts versus most nuclear reactors that are currently in operation that generate about 1,000megawatts. One megawatt can provide enough energy to power 800 homes.
Westinghouse has stated that the federal support will help to expand the nation’s options for nuclear power and give the country a competitive edge in the global clean energy race.
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