Valves for Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)

Neutralization tanks.

Valve World Americas had the pleasure of speaking with Mike Dunn, JS Machine and Valve, to discuss his experiences and insights into the field of HF valve service and repair, and his advice for those looking to enter this dynamic and challenging industry.

Q: What are the biggest challenges for valves and other equipment in HF applications?

A: When dealing with valves in hydro­fluoric acid (HF) service, safety is of paramount importance. Hydrofluoric acid is a highly corrosive and toxic sub­stance that can cause severe chemical burns and pose a significant risk to hu­man health.

To ensure safety, it is essential to care­fully plan and take necessary precau­tions before working on equipment that may have been in contact with hydrofluoric acid. This includes using appropriate personal protective equip­ment (PPE), such as approved gloves, jackets, pants, face shields, goggles, and respirators with HF-approved fil­ters, to prevent exposure to the acid. Additionally, it is important to have proper training and follow established procedures to minimize the risk of in­jury or contamination.

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