Teadit Earns Prestigious U Stamp Certification, Achieving New Standards in the...
Teadit, a global leader in industrial sealing solutions, has proudly announced that it has achieved the highly coveted U-Stamp certification from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Christopher Cantrell Joins ASME as Senior Managing Director Overseeing Standards and...
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) announced today that Christopher Cantrell will join the society in the newly created position of senior managing director of standards and engineering services, effective October 17. In this new role, Cantrell will oversee all aspects of ASME’s standards development, conformity assessment, and standards research operations.
Teadit’s Jose Carlos Veiga Receives Title of ASME Fellow
ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) has bestowed the coveted honor and title of Fellow Jose Carlos Veiga, the former Teadit Global Technical Director and Technical Team member for over 40 years.
BHGE Expands ASME Section I Portfolio
BHGE announces the expansion of the Consolidated ASME Section I portfolio, to now include 1900 LA1 spring-loaded and 2900 LA1 pilot-operated B&PV code approved liquid safety relief valves as solutions for liquid over-pressure protection for Economizers and thermal fluid heaters.
Control Southern receives new ASME certification
It has been announced that Control Southern are now a certified ASME Section I (V) and Section VIII (UV) Assembler’s for Anderson Greenwood, Crosby and Kunkle Pressure Relief Valves.